Freehold Safety Upgrades for Classes and Rentals

Update May 31, 2022: All in-person classes require proof of vaccination including boosters. Masks are still required at Freehold. Within each class, faculty and students will create a collective agreement for selective times (often performances and scene-work) to work unmasked.

Freehold’s staff and faculty remain committed to your safety. We also know the importance of an art practice and the limitations that working online can bring. Under careful consideration with health experts on our Board and guidance from the state and sector, we are offering in-person classes and space rentals for vaccinated students and guests.

Anyone participating in a Freehold class or renting space will commit to these practices:

  • At registration, students will submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Faculty will be taking attendance daily to allow for effective contact tracing. Renters will submit and/or collect the same documentation for their visitors.
  • When in a Freehold class or studio, everyone will be masked. This includes meetings held outdoors or outside of class. Freehold will provide masks, gloves, and face shields as appropriate. Masks should comfortably cover your nose and mouth and do not include gaiters or bandanas. On a class-by-class basis, faculty and students will create a collective agreement for selective times (often performances and scene-work) to work unmasked.
  • Freehold’s HVAC system has been upgraded so that the air in the Black Box and Studio 1 is recycled three times an hour with fresh air from outside. The rest of the space is regularly refreshing as well, though at a lower rate of 1-2 times per hour and we have added an additional portable air filter in Studio 2.  As added precautions, we have installed iWave filters to improve particle filtration without impeding air flow, in addition to UVC lights in the ducts to kill mold, bacteria, and viruses before they enter our space. These installations are in line with recommendations from the CDC.
  • We have increased cleaning and purchased new supplies to ensure regular, efficient, and effective disinfection of all high-use surfaces throughout Freehold.
  • We will continue to be responsive to the latest information from the state, city, and CDC and make changes swiftly as required. If, for student and faculty wellbeing, it becomes necessary to cancel a class, all registered students in that class will receive a credit for another class in a future quarter. Similarly, if a student is sick and they are no longer able to attend class, we will also offer a class credit or refund. If a rental must be rescheduled for safety purposes, renters will be offered a credit to schedule at a later date. Canceled rentals due to a change in Freehold policies will be refunded.

For more detailed information, please see our Safety Protocol, Pledge that anyone visiting Freehold agrees to; and Student Waiver and Rental Waiver.

We greatly appreciate our community for their support in this continually evolving practice; especially our faculty for their creativity, our students and renters for their patience, and all of you for being with us through this dynamic time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Managing Director, Caroline Kangas: