The Actor’s Body with Mik Kuhlman: Student Perspectives

Mik’s class The Actor’s Body is one of the best acting classes I’ve taken and I’ve taken a lot of great classes. I’ve done just about every class at Freehold including the Meisner Progression and I spent last year in New York City doing full time acting study at HB Studio, T Schreiber, and the Barrow Group. Many of my classes have taught me how to tell a story by connecting to circumstances and letting those internal processes emerge to behaviors the audience can see. What Mik has taught me is another extremely valuable approach which is to tell the story physically, that is to do the movements, expressions, activities that tell the story. I think my acting is better and easier by having both these approaches. Yahoo! Mik is also completely dedicated to her students and has been extremely generous to me in helping me tackle specific performance challenges. She’s a genius in knowing just what movement is needed in a dramatic moment and she’s a master teacher in the movement based actor pedagogies.

 -Richard Snyder
September 2020


A movement class? ONLINE? I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m no stranger to movement classes, having taken every single one Freehold offered by George Lewis back in the late 90’s/ early 2000’s. In grad school, I supplemented this with Gratowski and Lecoq-based movement training, as well as a great deal of work with Butoh and trapeze/apparatus. But I was curious to find out what Mik was all about, and it was a fairly short class (4 Monday nights in August), so I went for it. Though it was a short class, Mik packed it with creative suggestions, yoga exercises and prompts for mini-performances. These suggestions were not only fun, but they piqued my imagination not only for what we were doing during class, but started to open my mind to the myriad possibilities available within the Zoom box for creating a new, engaging hybrid form of live theatre as we continue on this long, strange pandemic journey. If you’re interested not only in honing your physical instrument, but also in learning about these possibilities and creating your own work to perform over the next year or so, I highly recommend The Actor’s Body. Who knows: maybe this new hybrid form will survive post-pandemic and we’ll have an added avenue for stories and self-expression!

 -Carolynne Wilcox,
September 2020


The Actor’s Body with Mik Kuhlman begins  Monday, October 6 at  7:00pm.   All fall classes, as well as more information and registration are available here